Whitefoord Elementary 5th grade student to represent Georgia at children’s convention in Japan

Romelus (Modeline), 5th grade honor roll student, has been selected to represent Georgia as a Junior Ambassador at the 23rd Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention (APCC) in Fukuoka, Japan.   She will be in Japan from July 16th until July 27th to learn about cultures from all around the world. 

 Modeline, along with our French teacher Madame Patricia Herndon, submitted an application to The Japan-America Society of Georgia. JASG is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote mutual understanding between the people of Japan and the State of Georgia through establishing and promoting ties and programs in the areas of culture, customs, education, commerce and politics.

 A main event of the organization is the annual convention where over 300 children from Asian-Pacific countries are invited to the city of Fukuoka with the intention of promoting intercultural understanding and friendship.

 Modeline will spend the first week in an exchange camp with other representatives from across the country.  Her second week will be spent with a Japanese host family sharing and learning customs. 

 We are extremely proud of Modeline and know that she will be an exceptional representative for Atlanta Public Schools, Whitefoord and the state of Georgia.  The main theme of (APCC) is “We are the BRIDGE: We connect dreams around the world”.  This is a dream that will become a reality for Modeline in July. 

 Congratulations Modeline on this first journey of many to come.

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