Fulton County D.A. Encourages Therrell Students to T.H.I.N.K

On Tuesday, November 27, 2012 Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard spoke with students at Therrell High School as a part of the T.H.I.N.K (To Have Information and Knowledge) Initiative program, sponsored by the Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys.

Fulton County D.A., Paul Howard, speaks about the justice system and encourages students at Therrell to T.H.I.N.K.

“As District Attorney, Mr. Howard feels very passionate about informing and equipping our youth with the knowledge of the law,” explains Sharifah Lee, a teacher at Therrell High School. “I also share his sentiment and passion as it relates to our students and community. All of us need to work together to ensure that our students understand, and can apply the law, to enhance their life.”

The T.H.I.N.K. Initiative is an in-school program designed to educate youth on common activities that lead to criminal consequences. Through presentations given by local judges, district attorneys, and solicitor generals, teens are educated on the pros and cons of decisions they may be faced with in life through the use of common scenarios. The goal of the initiative is to equip students with the appropriate information so they can make sound life decisions between doing right and wrong.

“We ultimately want to convey to our students that the justice system is on their side and not against them,” said Sharifah Lee. “The ultimate goal is simply to encourage them to think.”

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